About Conlon Hockey
One of the most impactful training resources in the valley, committed to supporting your path in hockey.
Here at Conlon Hockey, we bridge development and skill gaps. We specialize in technical hockey training that improves players performance and ability at all levels of hockey.
Our purpose as trainers and coaches is not just to coach new skills, but to maximize the impact of your growth and development. We teach the in-game application of skills, and provide repetitions and technical corrections to practice and execute.
Let's get to work.
Chase Conlon
Skills Coach
Jess Conlon
Founder, Conlon Hockey LLC
Skills Coach
Zack Ziegler
Skills Coach
Skilled Players are Filling the Talent Pool.
The game of hockey is constantly evolving. Every year, it becomes harder to compete, to generate results, and to stand out.Conlon Hockey takes a modern approach to developing hockey skills at the higher levels, by not just maintaining your abilities, but progressing them to work for you as the sport becomes faster and more skill-demanding.
Conlon Hockey provides a high-repetition environment for you to practice skills that give you more time and space for execution in high-paced games.
We work on both offensive and defensive positional skills, and frequently work on skills that apply to both, such as progressing your abilities in puck agility, deception, shot strength & accuracy, and speed generation.
About Jess Conlon
Hello & Welcome to Conlon Hockey LLC!
I'm the founder and owner, Jess Conlon.
Having grown up playing in Alaska, moving to Arizona as a teenager to play hockey was a tough adjustment. There are less rinks, less teams, less hockey players, and definitely less frozen ponds! Which also meant less practice time, less coaches, and less resources to develop hockey IQ and creativity. Throughout my years playing in Arizona, I had to go through experiencing so many of my teammates leaving the valley for other states with "more hockey", or stop believing that they could play college hockey, or even quit the sport altogether.
Fortunately, I met some incredible coaches in Arizona. I give a ton of credit to them for developing my skills, abilities and mindset that lead me into college hockey at University of Minnesota-Duluth, and for inspiring the coach I am today.
It became my mission to help players continue to believe in their hockey careers, by providing the time and attention developing them to truly maximize their potential. And that’s what Conlon Hockey is all about.
We are firm believers that hockey development is constantly evolving; we can always learn and improve. That’s why collegiate, junior, and travel players come to work with us. Conlon Hockey works with you to analyze your specific areas of opportunity, and train them into strengths.
About Chase Conlon
Hello, I'm Coach Chase!
Growing up in Alaska, pond hockey is where Jess and I learned the most valuable lesson: You can’t enjoy the game unless your having fun. Time flies when you’re having fun, so why not have fun training? That's my motto when it comes to training others as well as myself.
After moving away from Alaska I grew up playing Jr. Coyotes while learning the ropes of the desert. With less ice I learned the value in development in a condensed amount of time and space.
As I grew older I was presented an opportunity to play on the East Coast. I moved away at the age of 16 and made the the most of it ever since. I met the most amazing people from dozens of countries around the world.
Thanks to these invaluable experiences, I learned different skills, drills, and ways to think. That is what I believe I bring to Conlon Hockey that sticks out. I combined what I learned from trainers, coaches and players into unique, challenging and fun drills to make the best hockey player you can be.
From playing AA to AAA as well as Tier 3 Junior hockey to Tier 2 I know what it takes to make the next level. Taking these leaps has made me who I am today and has helped me reach my NCAA goal at Salem State.
I look forward to sharing what I learned and helping you become the best hockey player you can become!
About Zack Ziegler
Hi, I'm Coach Ziggy!
I grew up in Scottsdale, AZ and played for programs such as P.F. Chang’s, Jr. Coyotes and the DYHA Firebirds. I skated at all of the facilities here in AZ, but frequently I skated at a now-closed facility, Ozzie ice, which had 2 mini-sheets. I would spend hours there on playing “pond hockey” and small area skill work mixed in with my normal travel hockey schedule.
Looking back at the skill development I achieved by just having fun with friends playing in a small area, it taught me how truly important it is to hone in the fundamentals of stick-handling, skating, and shooting, all in a condensed space. Hockey is a game full of mini-games and battles, and owning the area and creating time and space became necessary abilities in order to level up. These skills I developed allowed me to accept opportunities throughout my career, such as heading east at the age of 17 playing junior hockey, playing for ASU D1 ACHA, and finally, brought me overseas to play in Sweden, reaching my dream of playing Professionally.
In Sweden my development actually took another significant step with the massive technical skating structures they are known for. Even in my 20's, I had adapted my game and skating ability massively. I now strive to bring that experience and knowledge back to Arizona and the next generation of skaters.